
Hummingbird is a python-based software tool for monitoring and analysing Flash X-ray Imaging (FXI) experiments in real time.

Getting Hummingbird

The easiest way to get Hummingbird is to clone it from the Github project.

$ git clone

More instructions can be found in the Installation guide.

Getting started

Hummingbird is very simple to use. Configuration is done using a single python configuration file. For the beginning, checkout our collection of basic examples.

Supported facilities

Hummingbird is intended to be used across different user facilities. It has been extensively tested at the LCLS facility, see LCLS examples. Future releases of Hummingbird will include the European XFEL facility and more XFEL facilities.

Contribute to Hummingbird

Hummingbird is meant to be an open project, developed by users of Flash X-ray Imaging (FXI) using modern X-ray sources. You are welcome to contribute.

How to cite

Daurer, B. J., Hantke, M. F., Nettelblad, C. & Maia, F. R. N. C. (2016). J. Appl. Cryst. 49, 1042-1047